Procure with Precision

Expert Guidance from RFP Creation to Final Selection

RFP Consulting for Buyers

Let's talk about your needs!

clear blue sky
clear blue sky
six black fighter jets doing air show during daytime
six black fighter jets doing air show during daytime
Streamlined Procurement Solutions

We specialize in RFP consulting services that streamline the procurement process, ensuring that you attract qualified bidders and secure contracts that align with your strategic goals. Our approach simplifies the complex RFP process, saving you time and delivering better outcomes.

What We Do


  • develops clear and detailed RFP documents that articulate your needs and attract the right bidders.

  • identifies and engages bidders with the right experience and capabilities

  • sets up fair and transparent evaluation criteria to ensure the best selection

  • handles the RFP process from start to finish, ensuring everything runs smoothly and meets deadlines.

a boat is out in the ocean on a clear day
a boat is out in the ocean on a clear day
Why Choose Us

Let us help you achieve success in your next procurement project.

Contact us to learn more about our services and how we can assist you.

Individually priced, based on your needs.

  • With over 20 years of experience in procurement, we know what works.

  • Our services are customized to meet your specific needs.

  • We operate with the highest standards of integrity and transparency.

Additional Support

Should you require further assistance, GRIFFOX provides comprehensive services in business management consulting, leadership development, corporate training, and more. Whether it’s managing large budgets, implementing process frameworks, or navigating organizational changes, GRIFFOX is equipped to enhance your business capabilities.

Optimize Your Procurement Process

Consult with Our Experts Now